Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my companion, my partner, my girl Friday. You hold me up when I want to fall down, encourage me when I’m disheartened, and calm me when I’m upset. She’s goofy, generous, gorgeous…but above all she’s kind. Her creative heart inspires me daily.

I’m so thankful we found each other. If you’ve not taken a look at her stunning steampunk creations, check them out!


I am lucky to have a supportive partner in life, and in my business too. Rhys challenges me, believes in me, and cheers me on. I hope you each have someone, or many somoeones, like this in your life. Celebrate them daily.


I’m making him something special and I wanted to share it with you–it’s still in progress but I was happy when this serendipitously came together. I found transportation tokens that spell out his first name, Rhys, and a fishing lure with his last name: Martin!

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